Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Beginning: Neuroblastoma

I guess the only way to start a good story is to go back to the very beginning.  My mom said I was a pretty good baby.  Happy, smiley.  She didn't notice a change until I was about 11 months old.  By this time I was cranky, I wouldn't walk, I had stomach issues.  She took me to doctor after doctor.  They would say "oh she's just a lazy, cranky baby,"  but my mother knew different.  Finally they figured it out.  Neuroblastoma!

Most people have never even heard of neuroblastoma.  In yet it is the 3rd most common childhood cancer.  It is the top killer too,  25% survival rate.  Its a parents worst nightmare.  My neuroblastoma, was a giant tumor wrapped around the spine. First thing they did was  surgery to remove the tumor, which was risky to my spine.   Then they did chemo and radiation.  For 2 whole years they went back and forth.  Another surgery, more radiation and chemo.  Another tumor in the abdomen, more chemo and radiation.  I do believe I've had enough radiation I could probably glow in the dark ;o)

Cancer is a relentless beast that takes hold and doesn't want to release you.  It is a fight.
Some say I'm a miracle. I don't know about that... I know it was a miracle I survived.   Not without consequences, cause things in life always have an upside and downside.  A balance I guess you can call it.
Childhood cancer comes with a price.  All that chemo and radiation and surgeries have long lasting effects.  I have missing teeth, Im short, but most of all it caused my kyphoscoliosis.  It gave me three huge curves to my spine.  One curve goes sideways which is scoliosis.  Another goes outwards, think hunchback of Notre Dame.  The other is in the lower back that goes inwards.  I've had 11 back surgeries throughout my life.  Most of them are failed back surgeries.......

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